About Me

Sagang Wee

Hey there, my name is Sagang Wee and I am a software engineer at Google. In my free time, I like to learn how to develop new things, read, try new food, hike, swim, play board and card games, and confer with the YouTube algorithm gods. I also have a mild obsession with socks.

About This Site

This site is built using Jekyll and Poole’s Hyde theme. It is developed on GitHub using GitHub Pages.



Google, Inc. | Mountain View, CA Software Engineer (July 2018 - Present)

TigerConnect | Santa Monica, CA Software Engineering Intern (June 2017 – August 2017)

  • Developed UI features on messenger web app (search, modals, drag&drop, etc.) using React + MobX
  • Designed and implemented weekly message data visualization dashboard during company hackathon that made it to production
  • Reduced page render time of message scrolling by 54% and initial page load by 38% through optimizations using Chrome DevTools and React Perf


University of California, Berkeley
Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science, 2018


Huashing Acupuncture | HTML, SASS, React.js + Flux, Express.js
(December 2016 - January 2017)

  • Website for an Arizonian acupuncture business (my roommate’s mom’s business to be exact)
  • Used Express.js as a server to process emails and the Contentful API as a cloud CMS for client use (so that testimonials and other content can be updated using a friendly GUI)

SafeSpace | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails
(June 2016 - August 2016)

  • An anonymous chat platform built with Ruby on Rails geared toward first-year and transfer UC Berkeley students seeking to connect with similar peers with an emphasis on mental well-being and support
  • Communicated with client and development team to reach feature deadlines
  • Responsible for updating peer counselor interface, creating a friendly user tutorial, refactoring and maintaining code base, retrieving and parsing data from the Typeform API, and updating pages to dynamically load using AJAX

Down to Split | HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails
(December 2015 - Present)

  • Web application that helps users manage their debts and organize shopping trips by keeping track of expenses and displaying useful purchase statistics
  • Built in a team with two UC Berkeley students
  • Responsible for site layout and implementing core functionality

Introspection | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, D3.js, Python, Flask
(November 2016)

  • Web application that lets users log journal entries and analyze their mental state over time using spider and line graphs
  • Built at Cal Hacks 2016 in a team of 5
  • Responsible for creating a JSON API using tone-analysis data from the IBM Watson API, using D3.js to display aggregate spider graphs, and page styling

The Rap App | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python
(October 2015)

  • Web application that interactively suggests rhymes while you freestyle rap
  • Built at Cal Hacks 2015 in a team of 3
  • Responsible for site layout and scraping lyric data using the Beautiful Soup Python library

Joust to Oust | C#, Unity
(October 2016)

  • 3D jousting computer game in which the player controls his/her lance using a smartphone
  • Built at SD Hacks 2016
  • Created weapon animation and player avatar movement scripts

FoodMate | HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails
(December 2015)

  • My first Rails app, FoodMate uses the Yelp API to return restaurants near you depending on your current craving, and then matches you with “mates” that have similar food interests
  • Built in a team of 6
  • Responsible for implementing uploadeable profile pictures

PageRank with Spark | Python
(December 2015)


Comfortable with: Java, Python, HTML, CSS
Familiar with: JavaScript, C, C#, SQL

Git, Rails, Flask, LaTeX, Unity, Selenium WebDriver. Illustrator, Photoshop


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